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The down side to these methods of psychic Invisibility are that while they can fool most people (depending on their own level of psychic awareness) they can not fool a camera or other electronic recording device. |
Methods of psychic InvisibilityIn my extensive studies, I have learned that there many ways to become “invisible.” The first four methods listed below are all methods of becoming “unable to be seen”: they are methods of psychically tricking the mind of the viewer into not recognizing/registering what their eyes are looking at. The fifth method is a method for how to become “unseeable”. There is at least one more method of becoming unseeable that I am still researching, but I don't have enough of the details worked out yet to include it here.
Psychic Invisibility Method 1: The "Cloud" methodThe first, easiest and most practical method of psychic Invisibility is the one that I teach in my book, Miracle Mastery. It is a way of surrounding yourself with a field of psychic energy that is dense enough to be perceived even by people untrained in the psychic arts. The energy field manifests as a cloud of "astral colors" and shape changing energy so unusual, so "incomprehensible" to the untrained mind that the brain assumes it has received “bad data” from the eye. The brain treats this "bad data" about an object inside an invisibility cloud in a way very similar to how the motion-induced blindness example above works, or in a way similar to what it does when visually processing the “blind spot” from your eye. The brain ignores the visual problem area and mentally constructs what it thinks the image should look like without the “visual anomaly” present. The creation of the energy cloud required for invisibility (and a great number of other psychic skills) is covered in detail in my book Miracle Mastery, and is one of the psychic abilities that you are most likely to have early success with. Creating the "cloud" is the first step in a whole class of different tangible effects that are grouped together into the "Condensation" class of abilities. These abilities start with invisibility, and as the skill and control of the practitioner improves, the energy of the cloud can be condensed progressively more tightly and imbued with other characteristics to result in other very interesting effects. For example, the creation of "psi-balls" (also known as "Chi-balls) of energy so dense that they actually emit light that others can see is one effect. (You may find startling similarities between this and "The Miracle of the Holy Light" which you can learn more about here.) With a great deal of practice, the energy can even be made to appear as specific things (to embody "thought forms"), which is how psychic illusions and materializations are created. You can learn about the specific methods of creating these "condensation" type psychic abilities here.
Invisibility Method 2: Broadcast TelepathyThe second method of psychic invisibility is a form of “broadcast telepathy”. This is a means of transmitting a specific telepathic message to those nearby that basically registers in their brain in the same way as a hypnotic suggestion, indoctrinating the minds of those nearby at a very low level with the message “There is nothing here to see.” Regardless of the quality of the data that the eye sends to the brain, if the brain refuses to process it, those images might as well never have happened. What's interesting about this method is that its effects are easily demonstrable though the standard techniques of hypnosis. A subject that is hypnotized to not see a person, simply will not. In fact, they will even subconsciously go out of their way to maintain the notion that the person is not present. For example, if the "invisible" person stands in the path of a hypnotized subject, that subject will deliberately move around the invisible person and continue on their way. If the hypnotized subject is asked why they stepped away, they will not remember the action at all and if pressed will actively deny it.
Invisibility Method 3: The Silent MindThe third method for someone to become invisible is the “silent mind”, a technique of cultivating a mental thought barrier so complete, that it essentially disconnects the practitioner from the common background “noise” that people subconsciously and telepathically generate all the time. The result is that to a normal person, there is something so subtly disquieting and “wrong” with this “radio dead zone” where a living person should be that the viewer subconsciously avoids the area and it is extremely difficult to direct attention to the person so cloaked. This method is extremely difficult to master, and almost impossible to use while performing any sort of physical activity since even the mental effort involved in controlling the limbs shatters the absolute mental stillness required for the effect to manifest which makes it generally impractical. This method only makes sense when you are hiding, remaining still, quiet and hoping to be “overlooked”. (It's also helpful if you don't want someone to take the empty seat next to you on a bus!)
Invisibility Method 4: The Mind of ChaosThe fourth method of becoming invisible is a technique that I call “the mind of chaos.” It is slightly similar to method 2 but without the rigid discipline required to send specific telepathic instructions, combined with almost the exact opposite of the third method… Sometimes when people are extremely distracted, absorbed in unpleasant thoughts or so high strung and wired that their mind is constantly whirring from topic to topic, the mind generates a short range telepathic field that is extremely uncomfortable to others nearby. It subconsciously broadcasts the psychic signals of “chaos/disquiet/danger” to those around. The practical result is that untrained people subconsciously sense something “very wrong” in the spot that you are at, and subconsciously steer clear of this “un comfort” zone. (Even though they don't actually register that there is someone else there). It is very hard for an untrained person to approach or recognize what they are seeing, as their mind subconsciously invents reasons to look away and “not get involved”. What is interesting is that spiritually advanced, compassionate people, the kind of people who would stop to lend aid and comfort to a stranger are not only immune to this effect but on sensing the mental restlessness and disquiet may actually be drawn closer to offer assistance. It's also not a particularly healthy method as it tends to radically elevate the blood pressure making it dangerous to practice, plus it amounts to practicing skills extremely disruptive to the cultivation of other psychic talents. This is the technique most responsible for the relatively rare but documented cases of “spontaneous Invisibility” in everyday people.
Invisibility Method 5: Telekinetic Invisibility (True Invisibility)The fifth method of invisibility is different from the others in that it does not occur in the mind of the viewer. It is a very rare, extremely advanced form of telekinesis that is used to make something un seeable. It is a means of creating a kind of telekinetic/electrokinetic bubble around the target that warps light so that no reflected light from the invisible person reaches the eye of the viewer. Since this is a telekinetic practice that actually bends light, this method can actually induce effects in electronic devices like cameras and motion detectors as well as the eye of the beholder. |
What is like to be Invisibility?
What if you interact with someone while Invisible?The different methods of invisibility all yield different results when interacting with people, so clearly some methods are better than others for certain situations. In the first four methods, if you are invisible but directly in front of a normal person, their mind recognizes that “something is not right” there, and will subconsciously turn away and try to avoid the spot. If you are using the cloud method and force the issue, particularly by making contact with them, or blocking a passage that they need to use, they will absolutely know you are there, and it is possible that with a bit of effort they will detect the field around you, almost as you might see the after images behind your closed eyes after you look into a bright light. They may be able to make out the “unnaturalness” and approximate the size and shape, but unless they were psychically developed themselves they would not be able to see deep enough into the field to make out any specifics. If you are using true invisibility by telekinetically bending the light around yourself, there is no chance that you can be physically seen at all unless the person gets physically inside the shell, which is very unlikely since the shell can and should be made very close to the skin. Since all other methods essentially result in the brain of the viewer convincing itself that there is nothing to see, it will go to extraordinary lengths to convince itself that you are not there, even to the point of ignoring other stimuli like incidental sounds. |
Try Psychic Invisibility for yourself!The cloud method of invisibility is by far the fastest and easiest method to learn, but it still takes a great deal of practice to master the art of summoning and controlling the psychic energy needed to create this effect. If you are interested in psychic development in general, and learning how to perform specific, dramatic, independently verifiable abilities like psychic invisibility, I've just finished an extraordinary course that shares the results of my 30 years of psychic research. "Miracle Mastery" contains step-by-step instructions for Invisibility and 15 other dramatic, * physical * psychic abilities, from instantaneous psychic healing to teleportation and materialization. There has never before been a manual available to the public that covers these abilities in enough detail to actually learn them. It takes time, patience and practice, but the experiences are literally life-changing! The course also includes a method that I have pioneered of using lucid dreams to develop a fast connection to your subconscious so that you can access these abilities *much* faster and more reliably than with any other method. Miracle Mastery is my life's work, and I literally guarantee that you will be impressed with its content! If you would like to learn more, please take a look here:
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