There are real "Tomorrow People" in the world right now... and you could be one of them.
(with lots of practice!)
The TV show called The Tomorrow People is about a group of young people who are the "next stage in human evolution." These are people with extraordinary psychic abilities including Telepathy, Telekinesis, and even psychic Teleportation, but these powers come with a cost: the nature of who and what they are make them unable to harm any living creature.
As incredible as it may seem, the concept behind the tomorrow people is not a complete work of fiction.
There really are people that have these extraordinary abilities and many more. In addition to the abilities used by their TV counterparts, the real tomorrow people have other abilities too, like radical healing, materialization, invisibility, psychic illusions and many more.

I've actually experienced a number of the tomorrow people abilties firsthand through the research and tecniques that I developed for the book "Miracle Mastery."
I've had firsthand experience with Telepathy, Teleportation, Telekinesis, Invisibility, Psychic Light, Astral Projection, Clairvoyance, and Precognition.
Is it because I am a Tomorrow Person?
Well, yes and no.
The truth is we are all tomorrow people to one degree or another.
Some folks are born with a "knack" that makes it much easier for them to access these abilities than others, but the capability for all of these "miraculous" abilities is already a part of the human condition.
We *are* the tomorrow people. The one thing that I have learned in my 30 years of research into all things psychic is that with enough patience, dedication and practice, nearly anyone can experience abilities like this... even the more dramatic physical ones.
The secret is to understand what works and then practice until you can see results.
I was fortunate enough to meet some real life tomorrow people as part of the interviews and research that I did for my book. I was gratified to learn that they didn't all start out "special". They are a pretty astounding group of people, but they got to the level they are by practicing a special set of mental, and for lack of a better word, "Spiritual" exercises that taught their minds how to work in a different way.
You may find it interesting to note that the TV show actually got something right. Tomorrow People really aren't capable of using their psychic powers for harming others.
As it turns out, there is a built in safety mechanism that prevents people who would abuse these psychic abilities from getting them.
One of the tricks to making these abilities work is that you need to coordinate your conscious and subconscious mind to work as a single unit so you can produce the desired effect.
If you attempt to use your abilities to do something wrong, like for example to steal money out of a bank, the "wrongness" of that act would keep you from reaching the harmonious mental state needed. |